Working with Disabilities
Many of the activities on the website can be modified for children who
have physical disabilities.
By attaching small memory cards to the bottom of yogurt containers,
youngsters who can't pick up a memory card that is flat on the table might
be able to pick up a yogurt container that has the card attached
to the lid. Check out the example.
Memory Fun for The Very Hungry Caterpillar-disability option
A child who can't pick up slippery sequencing cards that are lying flat on a table, might be able to use the cards if they are standing upright in oversized office clips.
A child who cannot use two hands to work with clip cards, might be able to the clip cards if the cards are standing upright in oversized office clips.
Sign Language Resources
Look and Listen Icons
If you have other ideas you are willing to share, please email [email protected] so that they can be included on the list.