Apple Bean Bag Circle Time Activity
Bean Bags and Game Idea
Using the pattern below, cut two one apple from red felt. Cut out
one brown stem and one green leaf.
Pin the leaf into place
between the two apple pieces. Sew around the apple leaving a ¼”
seam making sure to sew the stem on AND leaving a 1” opening along the
side. Fill your bean bag with rice or dried beans. Sew
the opening shut. Hot glue the stem into place. If you don’t
have sewing ability, you can hot glue the whole project together.
To Play: Sit in a circle, the first person holds the bean bag and
I like apples,
Yes I do
I like apples
name) do you?
Then the child tossed the bean bag to the person
they named.
This is a good game to play in a circle. Have
the children name the person next to them and keep the bean bag going
around and around. This is a great way to get kids to learn each
other's names.
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