Circle Time Poster for We're Going on Bear Hunt
You will need a 22 x 14" piece of tag board. Lay the piece of tag
board on your table horizontally. To be able to center the
pieces on the tag board, light
draw pencil marks horizontally 6"
from the bottom. Vertically draw a line 6"
from the left and
right edge. Also draw a vertical line down the center. Now
you have an area for each scene of the story. Cut out the title
and glue that to the top as the photo shows.
You can
print this in color or black and white. The project shown in the
photo was made by printing the black and white version. The
pieces were cut out,
traced onto construction paper, cut out and
glued to the tag board.
If you prefer, you can print the
pieces in color. Cut them out and glue to the tag board.
the words out and glue them under each scene. Cut the children
Laminate both the tag board and the children. Place
a velcro dot at the top of each scene. Put a piece on the back
of the children too.
To use, tell the story of "We're
Going on a Bear Hunt". Move the children
from velcro dot to
velcro dot as you tell the story.
Title-Print on LEGAL size paper
Color version
page 1
page 2
page 3
Black and White Version
page 1
page 2
page 3