Behavior Modification Activity
Here something to help you curb some of those behaviors that need to
be changed. Talk with the children about a behavior that is
happening in your class. Have the child(ren) demonstrate the
behavior. Take a photo of it. Now, talk about the
correct behavior. Have the child(ren) demonstrate
the behavior.
Take a photo of it. Print the photos (a wallet size works best).
Print the page below. Cut and glue the photos onto the page.
Label the top of the page. Cut the page out and laminate.
Continue making more
sets of cards modeling good and bad behavior.
Have children look at the photo and put a yes or no/smileyface or
sad face by appropriate behavior.
For you children who can read print
the yes/no page.
For no readers, print the smiley/sad face
Smiley/Sad Face