Symmetry Brown Bear Necklace or Bracelet
**Make sure adults prepare the milk jug lid!!**
Take a screw on
milk jug lid. With an exacto knife “drill” two holes in the lid.
If you want a bracelet, “drill” the on opposite sides so a pipe
cleaner can go all the way through the lid. If you want a necklace,
“drill” two holes at the top about ¼” apart. Then string plastic
lacing through it making a pendent. Use the pattern to cut a piece
of brown fun foam. Hot glue it to the milk jug lid. Add
face features with a sharpie marker or glue wiggly eyes on. Complete
the necklace/bracelet by stringing the beads on. Take time to talk
about symmetry or having the same pattern on each side.
Printable Instructions with Bear Pattern
Printable Bead Instructions for Children