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Weekly Calendar


Print the pages on LEGAL paper. 
This calendar is designed for children who aren't ready for traditional calendar
time.  This helps children understand before and after and well as tomorrow
and yesterday.  It also helps them put the concept of weekends together. 
To make print, cut the pieces out and glue them together to make a strip.  Glue the strip to a piece of colored tag board.  Laminate the calendar strip and the "holiday" cards.  Now hang your calendar in your room.
 Each day, add some type of symbol.  You may want to take your digital
camera and take a picture of something special that happened that day.  If
you could use a dry erase marker and draw something on the one of the blank
cards.  You can use tape or you could add sticky velcro to hang the pieces. 
The girl with the flag could be used for July 4th, President's Day and Veteran's Day.

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