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Bill Grogan's Goat Felt Board

Print the patterns below to make the farmer and the goat.  Cut the pieces as directed and hot glue them together.  Cut many extra shirts out of a variety of colors.  Put the farmer and the goat on the felt board.  Put some of the shirts on the felt board.  Then sing...

"Bill Grogan's goat, was feeling fine...
He ate (two-red) shirts right off the line.

Now have one of your children come forward and pick the appropriate number and color of shirts.  This is a great activity to promote listening.  The children have to listen to know the color and the number of shirts they need to pick up.  If you are dealing with older children, put eight red shirts plus a variety of other colored shirts...but when you sing only ask for five red shirts.  It's a great way to trick them into listening.


Mr. Farmer
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Here's the book that goes with the felt board.



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