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Wheels on the Truck Felt Board

Print the patterns.  To make the fire truck, you will need to cut out the three pieces.  Extend along the dotted line as indicated.  Tape the pieces
together.  Now cut the fire truck out of red felt.  Stiff felt works really
good for making the fire truck.  Cut the other patterns from felt. 
Use a sharpie marker to add details.  Put the fire truck on your felt board. 
Sing the following song as you put pieces on the truck.

Tune:  Wheels on the Bus
The wheels on the truck go round
and round, round and round, round
and round. 
The wheels on the truck go round and round when they fight the fire.

Door-Open and shut
Lights-blink, blink, blink
Siren-woo, woo, woo
Ladder-Up and down
Hook-Reach and pull
Ax-chop, chop, chop
Hose-Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh
Mask-breathe, breathe, breathe

The firemen on the truck say
play it safe, play it safe, play it safe.
The firemen on the truck say play it safe.  Call 9-1-1 if there is a fire.



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