Center Management Cards
Print the card on cardstock and cut out. Print photos of each of your
children cut to 2 1/4" x 2 1/4". Laminate both the photos and the card.
Put sticky velcro on the boxes of the card and on each child's photo.
Hang the card at each center or station. Have the child come to the center
and velcro their photo card into place. When they leave the center they
take their photo card with them and place it at a new center. If there is
not a place on the card for the child to put their photo, they are not
allowed to play/work at the center. The center cards are available with a varying number of squares. This allows you to print which ever card you would like therefore giving you the opportunity to control the number of children at each center.
One or Two Spaces
Three Spaces
Four Spaces
Five Spaces
Six Spaces