Froggy Writing Prompt
Froggy books by Jonathan London are a popular fun series of books to read with your children.
Print the page below and make a stencil for Froggy's head. Have the children trace it on green construction paper and cut it out. Now give the children your box of scrap art materials and construction paper. Have them add a body to the head making their own Froggy.
Print the writing prompt. Then have them write their own Froggy story.
Point out that in all the stories there is 1) humor 2) someone yelling
FROOGGYY! 3) Froggy’s feet always go flop, flop, flop. It’s great to see what the children create on their own.
Head Stencil
Writing Prompt
Back to Frog Theme
These are just a few of the over 10 books in the Froggy series.