Lamb and Lion Disc Graphing Idea
**A ground hog graph is shown**
The Lamb-Lion disc graph is created in a similar manner.
This is a fun way to graph.
Print the pages. Take an empty cereal box and cut off the tabs. Cut the Lamb and Lion
picture to fit the side of the cereal box. Tape the picture to the cereal box. If you want to reuse it, cover it with clear contact paper. Set the box on a piece of green
construction paper as shown. Cut the sunny and cloudy page out and glue to construction paper as shown.
To use the graph, have the children observe the weather. If it is sunny, have the children pick a yellow stackable disc and place in on the sunny circle. If it is cloudy, Have the children put the a blue stackable disc on the cloudy side.
Cereal Box Piece
Sunny/Cloudy Pieces
Here is a resource for the stackable discs.