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Envelope Name/Picture Match

Here is a fun activity that helps kids recognize their names
and the names of their friends. 

If you want to make the envelope look more like mail
you can add a sticker that looks like a stamp.
You could also print in the child's whole address with first and last names.

Write the children's names on regular envelopes
send the envelopes through your computer printer and print them.
To do this:
Open your Word program
Go to File-Page Set Up
Go to Paper-Select Custom size Type in 3.5 x 6.5
Press ok
Go to Insert-Text box
Type the name into the text box
You will need to change your font type and size to suit you Shown is a Print Clearly font in 120 size.
Put your envelope in the printer and print.
Change name and continue making and printing envelopes

Print photos in a size that will fit in envelopes.
Laminate them if you choose. 
Have the children select an envelope and identify the name.
Now have them find and put the corresponding photo in the envelope.




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