10 Bottles of Milk on the Wall
These are designed to be used with Dannon Light ‘n Fit yogurt smoothies’
bottles. Clean 10 of them well. If you don’t like the smoothies yourself,
bring them as a treat for your kids. This is one of my kids’ favorites.
Take the label off the bottle and put the paper strips with number around the bottom. Then put the circles on the lids. Cover them
with clear contact paper or packaging tape. They can be a matching
game or another fun way to use them is:
Have the kids put the bottles in order and sing:
Ten bottles of milk on the wall,
Ten bottles of milk.
Take one down (take it down)
Pass it around (pass around your circle-take drink-gulp)
Nine bottles of milk on the wall……
No bottles of milk on the wall
No bottles of milk
Oh my tummy feels so funny
There’s no bottles of milk on the wall
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