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Sunflower Mother's Day Card

**This ideas was sent in from Michelle**  THANKS!

The card we used white cardstock, cut a hole with the Creative Memories
cutting system, we cut the same size circle out of brown paper or you could
use the circle you just cut. Take that circle and have the children
fingerpaint it gives a neat effect to it. Then for the petals of the sunflower we did the same thing using yellow paint they only used the tips of their fingers to tap around the cover circle - which is the flower
itself. On the inside use those 3d adhesives circles or squares to put your
center down - the brown circle. We closed the card so we could use the circle cutout as a way to get the flower's centered. On the inside the children wrote "Just like a circle my love for you never ends" around the brown circle/sunflower's center. Then they wrote Happy Mother's Day!



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