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My Body Felt Board


Print the patterns.  Cut them out.  Tape the top of the body to the bottom of the body.  Follow the directions and cut them out of felt. 
Put the back black piece of the felt board.  Add the organs as you sing
the song provided.  After you put the organs on the felt board you can add
the bones and then the skin.  You can add the clothes after that. 
This is a nice activity to leave out and allow the children to play with during free play time.

Body with organs

Tune “B-I-N-G-O”
In my body I have a brain and it helps me to think.
My brain helps me think
My Brain helps me think
My brain helps me think
oh my brain helps me think.

In my body I have a heart and it pumps my blood…

In my body I have lungs and they help me to breathe….

In my body I have a stomach and it digests my food…

In my body I have a liver and it cleans my blood….

In my body I have intestines and they remove waste….

On my body I have skin and it protects my body….



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