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Emergent Reader Countdown Five to One

To make this booklet-COPY ONTO LEGAL SIZE COPY PAPER-cut out the pages and glue the first five rectangles onto blue construction paper.  Cut the pieces out so that there is a ¼” edge around each piece.  Assemble the pieces stacking them smallest to largest.  Cut one piece of blue construction paper ¼” long than the largest piece.  Glue the last verse to it.  On the back of that piece make a construction paper pocket to hold the leopard seal.  Copy the leopard seal onto grey construction paper.  Cut it out and laminate all the pieces.  Using an exacto knife, make a slit to open the pocket on the last sheet.  Put the leopard seal in the pocket.  Bind the pages and putting them in order smallest to largest.  When you turn the pages you will loose a penguin each time.

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