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Hiding Leprechaun Craft

Cut out the heart pattern.  Fold a small paper plate into ¼’s .  Lay the heart
on top of the plate and cut around the top from one dash line to the next. 
Unfold you plate for a shamrock.  Flatten a toilet paper tube.  Have the children paint the tube and the paper plate.  Staple the shamrock to the top on the tube once it is dry.  Make sure you only staple through one layer of tube.  Print a leprechaun on cardstock for each child.  Have them cut it
out and color it.  Staple it to a straw.  Have them run the straw through the toilet paper tube as they say one of the rhymes below.  You can print a rhyme for each child and attach it to the back of the shamrock.


Leprechaun, Leprechaun,
Where are you?
Leprechaun, Leprechaun,
I see you!

Silly little Leprechaun
Pop out your head to say.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Printable Instructions and Pattern
Leprechaun, Leprechaun Printable Words
Silly Little Leprechaun Words
Printable Leprechauns



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