St. Lucia Puppet with Song
Make a copy for each child. Have the children color St. Lucia. Have them make cookies
or treats on the platter. Fold the paper in half. Attach a craft stick to the middle
and make it into a puppet. Sing the song below.
Puppet Printable
Tune: “Who has a beard that’s long and white?"
Who has a dress that’s long and white?
St. Lucia has a dress that’s long and white.
It’s St. Lucia,
St. Lucia,
St. Lucia it’s your day!
Who has a crown upon your head?
St. Lucia has a crown upon your head.
It’s St. Lucia,
St. Lucia,
St. Lucia it’s your day!
Who has a plate of yummy treats?
St. Lucia has plate of yummy treats.
It’s St. Lucia,
St. Lucia,
St. Lucia it’s your day!
St. Lucia,
St. Lucia,
St. Lucia it’s your day!!