Strawberry Felt Board
Print the pattern below. Cut the strawberries from red and the stems from
green felt. You can take a sharpie marker and dot the strawberries to represent seeds. Make up to twenty strawberries. Give one child a berry
basket. Sing the following song.
Tune: Paw Paw Patch
Here comes (child's name) to pick the strawberries.
Here comes (child's name) to pick the strawberries.
Here comes (child's name) to pick the strawberries.
Way down south in the strawberry patch.
Pick (number) strawberries and put 'em in your basket,
Pick (number) strawberries and put 'em in your basket,
Pick (number) strawberries and put 'em in your basket,
Way down south at the strawberry patch.
After the child has picked the strawberries, have the other children count with you to see if the child picked the right number of strawberries. Sing again
and again as long as interest remains.
Printable Pattern and Rhyme