Telephone Dramatic Play Set
This is a really fun addition to your dramatic play area and it reinforces number identification.
Print the phone page. Print the cover and enough inside pages for each of your children. Add the child's name and phone number to the page.
Then take digital photos of your children. Print them to wallet size.
Cut them out and glue them in the space provided. Laminate your pieces, assemble and bind.
If you are doing a community unit, you could use the other inside pages provided.
Use your digital camera to take pictures of area businesses or emergency services.
Make the pages as directed above.
You can make a "phone" to go with the activity by purchasing a 4" segment of 1" PVC pipe.
Also purchase two right angel elbows. Put the pieces together.
When the children talk into the "phone" it echoes.
Phone Page
Cover Page
Inside Student Pages
Community-Emergency Pages