Make it with Art Supplies for an Ocean Theme
Fish Shape Cut and Paste
Jelly Fish Cut and Paste
Octopus Cheerio Project-Could be used for 50 day celebration
Lighthouse Cut and Paste
Snail Paper Craft
Painting Sugared Ocean Scene
Triangle Ocean Art Fun
Snorkeling Toilet Paper Tube Puppets
Jelly Fish Pudding Cup Craft
Paper Plate Fish
Toilet Paper Tube Fish
Shark Toilet Paper Tube Puppet
Paper Plate Whale
Whale with Blow Hole and Rhyme
Ocean Scene Art
Crab Paper Plate Shaker
Jelly Fish with Hair Gel-great for sensory
Jelly Fish with Wax Paper
Paper Plate Fish Puppet
Ocean Milk Carton Etchings
Scuba Diver from Paper Plate
Contact and Tissue Paper Fish