Milk Jug Ring Angel
This little angel is made from the inner ring/seal inside some gallon
milk jugs.
In the picture shown, the ring/seal is at
the right and the this ring
has already been clipped. Print
the page and cut out the pieces. Glue the triangle to the top
of the circle. Use the circle piece as a pattern to cut
piece of skin colored felt. Glue that over the circle. Cut a
piece of pipe
cleaner into four inch lengths. Curl the edges
up and glue in place. Use a marker to make eyes and an "O"
shaped mouth. Glue the legs in place.
Fold the song
sheet in place. Cut a piece of string, knot it and glue to the
back of the angel. When gluing to the plastic piece, it is
that you use a hot glue gun. Hang on your Christmas
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