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May Day Baskets

Keep scrolling there are eight different ideas....

Take a cup and hole punch around the edges.  Lace a 3/4" strip of fabric through the holes.  Use a pipe cleaner to make a handle.

Take two small paper plates.  Cut one in half.  Layer them on top of each of other and hole punch through both layers.  Lace together with string. 
Hole punch two holes near the top and string a pipe cleaner through to make a handle.  You can decorate these however you would like.

Hole punch around the edge of a cup.  Cut pieces of variegated yarn in 4" lengths.  String two pieces through each hole and tie.  Use a pipe
cleaner to make a handle.

Take a milk jug lid.  The style that twists off and is deeper works best. 
Using a hole punch, punch two holes in the sides of the lid making sure that the holes are across from each other.  An adult may have to punch the hole as the plastic is difficult to punch.  Cut a pipe cleaner in half.  Lace it through the holes and twist to make a handle.
Rip a piece of green tissue paper.  Place it in the bottom of the "basket". 

Take a small brown paper bag.  While it is flat cut out as shown.  Have the children decorate it if they would like.  Open the bag.  Lap the handle
 pieces over each other and staple in place.  Now you have a basket.
These aren't very sturdy so you can't use them for heavy items.

This is a jello box that has been painted in advanced.  Spray paint works best.
Have the children decorate the painted box with stickers or construction paper.
Hole punch holes an put a pipe cleaner through the holes to make a handle.

Take a small paper plate.  Cut out a wedge the size of 1/4 of the plate.
Bring the edges around and staple in place.  Press the "basket" flat.  Hole
punch on the fold.  Thread a pipe cleaner through the holes to make a basket handle.  Have the children decorate the basket.

You will need cone shaped coffee filters for this basket.  Have the children
dot the filter with bingo daubers.  Bring the edges around to make a cone. 
Tape the edges together.  Hole punch two holes.  Thread a pipe cleaner
through the holes to make a basket handle.

For this you need a empty spool of thread.  Take two pipe cleaners and twist them together at the top.  Weave the ends of the pipe cleaners through
the holes in the spool and twist to make a handle.  Using a sharpie marker,
write Happy May Day on the spool.  Stick a sucker in the center hole to make
an untraditional May Day basket.

Laced Basket

For more May Day Activities, check out DLTK-kids.





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