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Chicka Chicka Paint Stick Felt Board with Rhyme

You can use this two different ways.
To make this “felt board”, you will need brown and red stiff felt.  It is available at
Hobby Lobby and Michaels.  You will also need a paint stirring stick.  The long paint sticks from Sherwin Williams are great!  Print the patterns.  Cut the tree trunk from brown felt and the tree top from green felt.  Using your hot glue gun, hot glue the trunk to the paint stick.  Then hot glue the tree top to the trunk.  Cut ten apples
from regular red felt put
velcro pieces with the prickly side on the back of each apple.

 Use the apple tree with the following rhyme. 

Chicka, Chicka, 1 2 3
Count the apples on my tree!

 You can also print, cut and laminate the numbers below.  Put sticky side
velcro on the back of each number.  Put them on the tree and say,

Chicka, Chicka, 1 2 3
Name the number on my tree! 

Tree Trunk with Printable Instructions
Tree Top with Words to Rhyme
Numbers 1-20
Number  0 then by tens

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