Home Filled with Love Card
In advance, print and send the note home with each of the children
reminding them that they need to count the number of doors and windows
in their home and then bring the note back to school the next day.
Give each child a large sheet of construction paper. Have them
fold it in half.
Have the children cut an angle at the top to
create a roof. If your children
are too young to cut a roof on
their own, make a stencil and have them
trace it on the fold piece
of construction paper. Have them cut scraps to create a roof,
door and windows. Have the children open the card and tape
copy of the inside words there. Give the children construction
scraps and have them cut out hearts. If you children are
too young to free cut hearts on their own, there is a page of hearts
that you can print
and have them cut them out. Have them glue
the hearts all over the inside of the card.
This would make a
great Mother's Day or Father's Day card.
Note Home
Inside Note