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Cowboy Chaps

**this idea was contributed by a viewer**

Lay the child down on the roll of brown
paper--and sketch way out around the lower part of their body.  Make
sure you leave enough on the outer parts of the outside of the legs so
the children can fringe that part of the chaps.  Make a split up the center in the inseam area.  At the waist draw about a 2 to 3 inch waist
band all the way to the edge of each side of the paper.  If that isn't
big enough to go around the child's waist add
extensions with velcro dots then  use velcro dots for closures at the band in the back.
Before fringing the chaps let the children decorate their own chaps with crayons, markers, tissue paper, colored paper or whatever you have laying
around.  Draw a line and direct the children how to cut the fringe.
Hook onto the children using velcro dots.

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