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Haptic (Touch and Feel) Learning Doctor Kit

This activity is set up much like a feely box. 
To make it, you will need to purchase a cheep doctor kit or use one you already have.  Using a camera, take a close up picture of each item.  Print the photos
is a wallet size.  Write the name of each item on the back of the photos. 
Laminate them.  Hole punch the pictures in the corner.  Hook them together
with a binder clip.

Cut four handles.  Lay one handle on top of the other.  Sew 1/4" around the edge of the handle.  Do the same with the other set.  Fold pieces of black felt
in half.  Lay the bottom dotted line on the fold of the felt.  Cut two of the bags out.  Open the bag pieces.  Lay a cross on the bag and sew it into place.
 Layer the two pieces of the bag together making sure the cross is to the top.  Lift the pieces apart and put the handles in place.  Sew all the way
around the bag securing the handles and the two pieces together.  Now,
fold the bag in half.  Sew the sides together from star to star. 

Now put the doctor kit pieces into the bag. Help the children take turns. 
Have them pick a card and identify the object on the card.  Now
without looking
, have them reach into the doctor kit (feely bag) and pull
out the item that was on the picture. 

This is a very popular activity with little ones.

Handles and Cross

If you liked this activity, try making a Mother's Purse Touch and Feel Bag.


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