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Fox in Box Felt Board

To make this felt board set print the pattern.  Using the square pattern,
cut out squares in a variety of colors.  Cut out the fox and with a sharpie
marker trace the fox onto maroon felt.  Looking at the pattern as a guide,
trace the features onto the fox.  You can use this set in two different ways. 
You can place the squares on the felt board hiding the fox under one of the boxes.  Have the children take turns lifting boxes off the board saying:

Little Fox, Little Fox,
Are you under the (color) box?

You can also use the felt board this way.  Put the boxes on the felt board. 
Give a child the fox and sing the song.  As you sing, have the child put the fox
on the designated colored box.

Tune:  The Farmer in the Dell
The Fox is on the box.
The Fox is on the box.
The Fox is on the yellow box.
The Fox is on the box.

Printable Pattern

This felt board could be used with the Dr. Seuss' Fox in Socks book.

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