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Paint Stick Puppet for the Cat

Print the pages.  Cut the large oval out and use it as a stencil to cut the cat's head from black construction paper.  Glue it to the paint stick making
 sure that no part of the head hangs over the stick.  Cut out one of the cat
 faces and glue to the black piece.   Now take a regular envelope and lick
it shut.  Measure 1.5" from the edge and cut it off.  Take a marker and make
 stripes on the hat.  Cut a similar colored 1 x 4.5" piece of construction
paper and glue it to the open end of the envelope to make a hat.  If you would like to make this into an interactive circle time activity, make hats
of several colors and glue the words to the back of the head.  Now, sing the  song changing the color of hats.  If you are caring for little ones, you can
hand out the hats, sing the song, then as you sing, have a child with the corresponding colored hat come forward and put the hat on the cat.

Tune:  Wheels on the Bus
The cat in the hat wore a purple hat, purple hat, purple hat. 
The cat in the hat wore a purple hat.
What do you think of that?

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