Story Retelling Pieces for at the Tomb
Print the pages. You can have the children color the pieces. Use the pieces to retell the story of Mary and Mary Magdalene discovering that Jesus
had risen. If you would like a hard copy of the story check out DLTK's.
The characters need to be cut out and folded on the dotted lines. One
side will show the ladies sad, the other happy. One will show the soldiers with a straight face the other in shock. As the children retell the story, the characters can be flipped to show the changed emotion. These pieces
can be attached to a popsicle stick if you would like.
To make this activity last longer, you can cut out and glue the tomb
to the outside of a file folder. You can staple the sides shut only leaving
and opening on the top. The stone, angel, soldiers and women can all be stored in the pocket that is created by stapling the sides of the folder shut. To cut cost, a large sheet of construction paper can be used instead of a file folder.
angel and stone
woman and soldier one
woman and soldier two