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Football Addition Activity

Here is a great addition activity for your little football fans.
Print a chart for the child.  Print two sets of cards and laminate them.
If you look at the cards and the chart notice that the helmets point to the  right and left.
Mix up the cards.  Have the child take 15 random cards and put them in a pile upside down.  The rest of the cards can be set aside.
Have the child turn one card in their pile over.  Have them identify the direction of the helmet and the number on the card.  They will write that number on the chart under the corresponding helmet.  Have the children
continue turning the cards over adding the numbers together to make the score of the game.  There are zero cards included.  For example there is a field goal card with a zero.  That indicates that a field goal was attempted
but the kick was no good.  If a penalty card is drawn, nothing happens.
Once the last card has been drawn the child determines who has the bigger
score and who is the winner.




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