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Frog File Folder Puzzle

Print the black and white page.  Paste it to the right inside of a file folder.
Print the color page.  Cut the label out and paste it to the front.  Take an
envelope and paste it to the left side of the file folder.  Cut the puzzle
apart.  Laminate both the puzzle pieces and the file folder.  Take an exacto knife and carefully make a slit where the envelop opens.  Store the puzzle
 pieces in the envelop.  Now have the children remove the puzzle pieces. 
They can lay the pieces on top of the black and white puzzle to create
the frog.

Black and White Frog
Color Frog and Label

If you would like, print only the black and white puzzle.  Have the children
color the page and cut it apart.  Then have them put it together again.
Store the pieces in an envelop so they don't get lost.


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