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Ground Hog Emergent Reader

Here is a cute little emergent reader that emphasizes color words.

Copy the pages below. If you want a sturdier book, copy the last snowman page onto cardstock. 
 Cut the pieces apart and staple them onto the snowman to make a book. 
Have the children color the snowman the appropriate colors.  Read!!

Page 1
Page 2
Page 3

I know it seems like the book is about a really is about a groundhog and the words are right.  The ground hog is peaking his head out of the hole and sees a white
snowman, his hat, etc....then finally he sees his shadow and pops back into his hole. 
Where we live in NE Iowa there is still lots of snow on the ground on groundhog day....
for us the emergent reader works because there is snow.  Print it once and put it
together then you will "get" it. 



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