Iron On Transfer Pages
Here is a fun way to decorate shirts, literacy bags or other fabric items.
You can make items to match many of the themes you are teaching.
You will need iron on transfer paper, an ink jet printer, an iron and a fabric item.
The transfer paper comes in two different styles, for dark or light colored fabric.
Pick the transfer of you choice. Pick the size of your choice. Print it on the transfer paper. Don't be alarmed when you see the design is backwards.
Follow the manufactures directions for adhering the transfer. Once it is ironed
on to the shirt, it will be as it should. Below are links to transfer paper and reasonably priced t-shirts.
Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom-Large-Medium-Small
Cookie Monster-Large-Medium-Small
Firefighter Transfers
Gingerbread Man-Large-Medium-Small
Mrs. Wishy Washy-Large-Medium-Small
Sunflower Life Cycle-Large-Medium-Small
Very Busy Spider-Large-Medium-Small
Very Hungry Caterpillar-Large-Medium-Small