Joseph in the Pit Puppet
Print the Joseph puppet pieces. Have the children color them making
Joseph’s outfit plain. Remind the children that Joseph’s brothers had taken his
colorful coat away when they threw him in the pit. Cut them out and attach
them to a popsicle stick. Ahead of time paint a large plastic cup brown with spray paint that adheres to plastic. Cut a slit in the bottom of the cup so
the puppet can move up and down. You can add grass to the top of the cup by cutting a long strip of green construction paper and fringing it. Then tape it to the top of the cup. Tape the sentence strip to the cup. Take
time to talk about jealousy. Ask the kids if they have ever done something
bad because they wanted something. Explain that it is normal to want
something, fancy clothes, a hug, something advertised on television but it is
wrong to hurt others to get what we want.
Printable Puppets
Sentences for Cups