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Kite Egg Carton Rhyme

Cut the top off the egg carton, discard.  Cut the egg holder section in half.  Have the children
turn the carton upside down and paint it white to represent clouds.  Cut a slit in the bottom
of each cup.  Have the kids color and cut out the kites attached.  Staple them to craft sticks
and insert them in the slits.  You can glue cotton balls onto the egg carton to make it look
like clouds.  Use it with the following rhyme.


Tune:  Farmer in the Dell
There are __(6)__ kites in the sky.
There are __(6)__ kites in the sky.
The wind came and blew them
now there’s __(5)__ kites in the sky.


Printable Rhyme
Printable Kites



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