Ladybug, Ladybug Fly Away Home Felt Board
Make frying pans of eight different felt colors buy cutting out pans and handles and hot gluing them together. Make a small ladybug by cutting a body piece of black and circle from red. Cut the circle in half and attach
as wings. Use a marker to make black dots. Make the Mom following
the same instructions.
To play, put all the frying pans on your felt board. Hide the little ladybug
under one of the frying pans. Then recite the rhyme. Have the children
guess a color. Then lift that pan off the felt board and check to see if
the ladybug is under the pan. Have the children continue guessing
colors until the little ladybug is found.
Ladybug, Ladybug.
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire,
your children all gone.
All except one and that’s little Ann
and she crept under the frying pan.
Pattern One
Pattern Two