Ladybug Milk Jug Lid Bracelet or Necklace
**Make sure adults prepare the milk jug lid!!**
Take a screw on milk jug lid. With an exacto knife “drill” two holes in the lid.
If you want a bracelet, “drill” the on opposite sides so a pipe cleaner can go
all the way through the lid. If you want a necklace, “drill” two holes at the top about ¼” apart. Then string plastic lacing through it making a pendent.
Trace the milk jug lid onto black fun foam. Make a small bump for the head. Cut it out. Trace the milk jug lid on the red fun foam. Cut it out
and then cut it in half. Use a sharpie marker to make dots on the wings.
Glue the fun foam pieces to the milk jug lid. Glue tiny wiggly eyes on as well. Now have the children string pony beads onto the plastic lacing string making a pattern.
This is a good a fun math patterning activity.