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Man with the Yellow Hat Film Canister Fun

Take a film canister and cut out a piece of skin colored construction paper
that will cover the canister.  Tape the paper into place.  Print the pattern below.  Using the pattern cut a yellow piece of fun foam into a circle.  Glue it to the film canister as shown.  Use a marker to make facial features.  Make more film
canister men only cut fun foam of a variety of other colors.

Hat Pattern

If you have young children who are just learning to match colors, have the children stack the appropriate colored discs on the corresponding colored
man to make them a hat.

If you have older children, you can change this into a counting project.  Make
a man of each color.  Print, cut and laminate the cards. 
One child will have all of the men.  Put the 15 cards in a pile.  Have the child pick
a card and put the corresponding number of discs on the corresponding colored
man.  After the child has gone through every card, have them count and see
which colored man has the most discs.

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If you want to extend the activity, have the children graph the results
on the graph below.


Here is a resource for the stackable discs.



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