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Mary Had a Little Lamb Felt Board

Print the patterns below.  Mary sheep in pink, red, green, yellow, gray,
black, blue and white. Mary's hair is braided.  To achieve that cut the slit in the hair and braid it.  Hot glue the  piece in place.  Then hot glue
the bow over the top.  Once you have all the pieces cut out of felt, hot
glue them together.  Use the pieces with the following rhyme.

Printable Words
Body Pattern
Hair Pattern
Dress Pattern
Apron Pattern
Sheep Pattern

Mary Had a Little lamb

Mary had a little lamb that was the color green
He was the cutest lamb that she had ever seen.

Mary had a little lamb that was the color black
One day Mary cut his wool and put it in a sack.

Mary had a little lamb that was the color gray
he loved to run in the meadow on a sunny day

Mary had a little lamb that was the color yellow
he ran all day and loved to play that silly little fellow

Mary had a little lamb that was the color pink
He looked just like cotton candy, don’t you think?

Mary had a little lamb that was the color red
She took him to the barn and with straw made him a bed

Mary had a little lamb that was the color blue
One day he got lost and Mary cried boo-hoo

Mary had a little lamb that was the color white
The lamb loved Mary so he never left her sight.



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