Moose Rhymes and Songs
To make a muffin puppet glove, take a ladies black stretchy glove. Use the pattern below
and scraps of felt to cut out ten muffins. Hot glue them to a glove and use them with the rhyme below.
Use with muffin gloves
Tune: Six little ducks
__(10)__ little muffins in the pan.
I’m eating them all for lunch if I can.
The moose came and ate one MUNCH! MUNCH! CRUNCH!
Now there’s one __(9)__ muffins for my lunch.
Felt Board Ideas
Use the pattern below and cut muffins from felt. Use them with the rhymes below.
Tune: Happy Birthday
I am so hungry, I am so hungry,
(Grandma) baked __(5)__ muffins,
And they are all just for me.
For Felt Board-
__(5)__ little muffins at the bakery store
_______ came and ate one Now’s there only ___(4)___.
__(4)__ little muffins there for all to see
_______ came and ate one Now there’s only __(3)__.
__(3)__ little muffins, some for me and you.
_______ ate another one.
Now there’s only __(2)__.
__(2)__ little muffins the tasting is almost done.
______ ate another one.
Now there’s only __(1)__.
__(1)__ little muffin sitting all alone.
______ put it in a bag and took it home.
No little muffins at the bakery store.
Baker, Baker, come quick and make some more!!
Printable Pattern