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Mother's Touch and Feel Purse

This is a take off of touch and feel boxes.  You need an old purse that has a zipper so the kids can't peek inside along with a bunch of other items that might be found in Mother's purse. 
Using your camera, take a photo of every item.  Print, cut and laminate the photos.  Hole punch them and string them together on a ball and chain closure. 
To play:  Take the cards apart.  Give the child a card. 
Have them stick their hand into the bag and find the object on their card
without looking.  It's lots of fun!!  This purse needs to be keep
up away from the children when you aren't supervising them because once
the pieces are lost, the cards will not match the items in the bag.

Here is a list of some of the items that might be in the purse:
bracelet. calculator, fingernail polish (hot glue lid shut), play money with dollars and coins, chap stick, a tissue, watch, baby rattle, necklace, comb, brush, Q-tip, sunglasses, and a toy cell phone.

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