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Rhymes with Felt Board Pieces

Sea Turtle Rhyme with Turtle Pattern
One baby turtle along and new
Along comes another and then there are two.
Two baby turtles crawl down to the sea,
They find another and then there are three.
Three baby turtles crawl along the shore.
They find another and then there are four.
Four baby turtles go for the dive
Up swims another, and then there are five.

Sea Shell Rhyme with Shell Pattern
Five little shells lying by the shore
Crash went the waves and then there were four.
Four little shells Lying by the sea,
Crash went the waves and then there were three.
Three little shells smooth as new,
Crash went the waves and then there were two.
Two little shells sparkling in the sun,
Crash went the waves and then there was one.
One little shell lift by itself,
I took it home and put it on the shelf.

Fish Rhyme with Fish Pattern
Five little fishies, swimming in the pool
The 1st one said, "The pool is cool."
The 2nd one said, "The pool is deep."
The 3rd one said, "I want to sleep."
The 4th one said, "Let's take a dip."
The 5th one said, "I spy a ship."
The fishing boat comes
The line goes kersplash,
and five little fishies quickly dash.

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