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Fingerplays and Rhymes for Ocean Theme

Printable Whale Rhyme
Whale Fingerplay
A whale is not as small as us (Shake head and finger)
Most whales are bigger than a bus (Stretch arms out wide)
A whale is not a fish in the sea (Shake head and finger)
A whale breathes air like you and me. (Take a deep breath)
A whale can't walk upon the ground (Shake head and finger)
A whale must swim to get around (Make a swimming motion)
A whale is an mammal like you and me (nod head point to self and kids)
But his home is in the deep blue sea. (make wave motion)

Printable Hokey Pokey Rhyme
Ocean Hokey Pokey
You put your crab claws in,
You take your crab claws out,
You put your crab claws in and you snap them all about
You do the ocean motion and you turn yourself about
That's what it's all about.

Swish your sting ray tail in and you sting it all about.
Shark teeth -chomp them all about
Star fish up-dow-flop it all about
Octopus arms in out-hug them all about

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