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Fingerplays and Rhymes for Ocean Theme

This is the cutest rhyme and kids love it.  It is on the Charlotte Diamond
CD Ten Carrot Diamond.  If you don’t know the tune, and don’t want to purchase a CD, here is a link to the tune
Following are the words.

Printable Words

Make swimming motions as you sing….
The Slippery Fish, the Slippery Fish,
Was swimming through the water.
The Slippery Fish, the Slippery Fish,
Was swimming through the water.
Oh no…(put your hands to your mouth)
He was eaten by….

Change underlined words to Octopus
Tuna Fish
Great Big Shark
Big Fat Whale

Last line…
Oh no….I have a terrible tummy ache.  (BURP)  Ooops, Excuse Me!

When using the felt board, put all of the characters on your felt board. 
Lay the new character on top of the one that is supposed to be eaten. 
In the end, all of the characters will be under the whale.

Here is a note that came from viewer Sara K.
  I made the patterns out of fun foam. Then I used
the hook and eye velcro to hook them together. I put the soft side of the velcro for the eyes of the different fish ( I had to cut some pieces smaller
for the smaller fish) and the hook side went on the back.  You have to make
sure they match up correctly.  I then covered the end of a dowel rod with the soft velcro and now my kids can hold the rod and then attach the fish.
By putting the larger fish on top as he eats the smaller one they all stick
together and the kids can move the rod around making the fish swim as
we sing the song. I originally made this for a handicapped child who can't
 do the hand motions.


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