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Soup Bowl Activity with Rhyme or Cereal Bowl Activity

This activity is a take off from the book Martha Speaks by Susan Meddaugh.  It’s about a dog that learns to talk because he eats alphabet soup.  It is a cute book, geared towards
older preschoolers and up. 

Print either the cereal bowl or the soup bowl.  If you use the cereal bowl, give the children
alphabets cereal and have them glue the cereal into the bowl.

If you use the soup bowl, have the children color the bowl.  Then give
 them magazines.  Have them cut out letters and glue them onto the paper.

 Then print the cute alphabet poem below.  This would make a cute bulletin board
display for little ones.  Poem contributed by Kayla Kramer.

Alphabet Soup
When I looked in my bowl
Of alphabet soup,
A thought made my brain
Do a loop de loop.
I wondered what all of these letters are for,
Can you jump on them, climb on them,
Trade two for four?
No silly, said Mother, Letters make words.
They spell out favorites like pink and cheese curds.
They give us directions, turn left or turn right,
Sit down, turn around, go at the green light.
They all have their sounds
B blue and C cat,
L as in lollipop and R as in rat.
Letters are helpful, we use them each day,
And for all twenty-six, we must shout

Printable Poem
Cereal Bowl
Alphabet Soup Bowl


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