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Pirate Parrot Repeating Circle Time Fun

Print the pirate of your choice onto a heavy weight paper like cardstock.
  Color, cut out, laminate and attach to a paint stick.  Cut out the words.
 Attach them to the back with clear packaging tape.
Print enough parrots so that each child will have one.  Cut out and attach to craft sticks.

At circle time, give each child a parrot.  You be the pirate and say the chant....

"I am the pirate,
You are the parrot,
repeat after me..."

Then reinforce whatever concept you want.  You can show the children colored felt pieces and say, "This is red."  The children would repeat this is red back to you.
You can adjust this activity for whatever your children are working on....shapes, sight words, number, letters, addition or subtraction facts, class rules, or
anything you can imagine.

Girl with Verse
Boy with Verse


Shapes Page 1
Shapes Page 2

Sight Word Pages




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