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Shoe Tying Manipulative

**This idea was submitted by Crystal**

Cut two pieces of cardboard from a cereal box that are 8" x 12".  Cut a piece of construction paper that is the same size.  Print a shoe pattern onto a piece of construction
paper.  Cut it out.  Glue the construction paper to the cereal box.  Then glue the shoe to the middle of the construction paper.  Cover it with a piece of clear contact
paper.  Now layer the cereal box printed side up.  Lay the piece of the cereal box
with the shoe on it, with the shoe side up.  Take duct tape and tape the pieces of cardboard together as shown making a frame around the project. 
 Take an exacto knife and "drill" holes through both layers of the cardboard to make
eyelets for the shoe string.  Take the shoe string and lace it through.
Now your children are ready for some shoe typing practice. 
If you want to make this really jazzy use scrap book paper for the background and/or shoe
along with bright colored duct tape and fun printed shoe laces.

Printable Shoe Pattern



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