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Play dough Snow Idea

Make white play dough.  Tell the kids it is magic play dough because it has glitter in it. 
Give the children small wooden flowerpots (available in the craft section), buttons, and fabric scraps
Have them make a snowman with the play dough and then take a picture of each child with their snowman.  Attach it to the page below and have the children write
a story about what happened to their snowman when he “came alive.”
Following is a recipe for play dough. It will make a batch that six to eight kids can play with.

4 c flour
1 c salt
8 T cream of tarter or one small container which ever amount is smaller
4 c hot water
4 T vegetable oil

Add glitter…mix these ingredients together in a pan.  Cook it on the stove on medium heat. 
Stir regularly.  It will form a ball.  Once most of it is in a ball put a few tablespoons
of flour on the counter and knead the play dough once it has slightly cooled. 
This is so easy to make. 

Printable Instructions with Recipe
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