Sunflower Glove Puppets
Printable Instruction with Words to Rhyme
Purchase a pair of black stretchy knit gloves and a garland of small fake
sunflowers that are only 1 ½” in diameter or less. Cut the sunflowers
off close to the sunflower head. Cut ten felt pieces that are ½” x 2 ½ “
Use your hot glue gun and glue a flower to the ends
of the fingers and thumbs. Cut 12 leaves and randomly glue
them onto the stems. Use the gloves with the song below.
Ten Sunflower Glove Puppets
Tune: Five Little Ducks
Ten Sunflowers standing in a row,
Swaying back and forth as the summer breeze blows.
The sun went down, they turned to the west,
then one sunflower bowed and took a rest
To the Sunflower Page
To the Flower Page